Do you know the right questions to ask?
This free guide could save your life!
The first oncologist I saw didn't tell me the risks, lied to me about the success rate, and told me I was "INSANE" if I didn't do what he recommended.
I was afraid that I had no other options, but my wife and I accidentally asked two questions that in hindsight helped save my life...
In the last 12 years I've talked with hundreds of cancer patients. Many reach out to me after treatments have failed them, worse off than when they started, and wishing they had taken the time to read and research before blindly following their doctors advice.
This free guide will arm you with POWERFUL questions that get straight to the truth.
20 Questions For Your Oncologist is a compilation of essential questions submitted by doctors, survivors, patients and their loved ones. The guide includes a 1-hour audio program, a transcript to follow along and take notes, and a printable question list.
Your next steps could be critical to your survival, or the survival of someone you care about. Don't let fear, uncertainty and helplessness influence the decision-making process. Get the guide.
To your life and health,
Chris Wark
© 2019 Chris Beat Cancer - All Rights Reserved