Module 1 will completely change the way you think about cancer. You'll learn how to overcome fear & discouragement; how to adopt the “Beat Cancer Mindset” that every successful survivor has in common; how to build a support system even if your friends and family don’t understand; and how to enjoy your life and your healing journey.
In Module 2, I will help you identify the factors in your life that may be contributing to cancer so you can remove them. Topics include: The 3 pillars of health and healing; lessons from countries with the lowest cancer rates; cancer causers in our diet, lifestyle and environment; and more.
In Module 3, you will learn exactly what to eat to help your body heal backed by science. This is a simple, powerful, proven dietary protocol. Topics include: The most potent anti-cancer fruits, veggies & spices; a simple daily schedule to follow; juicing, juice formulas and the best juicers; smoothies; raw vs cooked food; and more.
Module 4 covers modifications you can make to the anti-cancer diet over time, depending on your unique needs. Topics include: My personal dietary journey; raw food vs cooked food; whether or not to include animal protein; how long you need to stay on a strict anti-cancer diet, and more.
In Module 5, you will learn the best methods to promote optimal detoxification in your body. Topics include: How your body detoxifies; how you can improve and accelerate the process; foods that promote detoxification; how to detoxify your environment; the best detoxification supplements and programs; and more.
Stress is the single most important factor that is most often ignored. In module 6, I will help you identify and eliminate the chronic destructive stressors in your life. Topics include: The physiology of stress; identifying the hidden sources of stress in your life; how to create a peaceful low stress life, the power of your thoughts, overcoming fear and anxiety, the secret to happiness; and more.
In Module 7, you will learn how to heal your heart and your emotions. I share my personal faith journey through the healing process and I also address the tough spiritual questions that every cancer patient struggles with. Topics include: Is it God's will for you to be sick?; having faith for healing; dealing with doubt and fear; healing your heart; getting right with God; how to pray for healing; and more.
In Module 8, you will learn how to get the optimal amount of exercise and rest to improve your health and increase your odds of healing cancer or preventing a recurrence. Topics include: The best exercise for your immune system; practical ways to move your body more; how much sleep you really need; creating the ideal conditions for healing sleep; and more.
In Module 9, you will learn about superfoods, nutraceuticals, herbs and teas that can support your body's ability to repair, regenerate and detoxify. There are five categories covered: nutritional support, immune support, anti-cancer, anti-virus/bacteria/parasite, and detoxification.
Module 10 will give you perspective and what to expect as you go forward in your healing journey. Topics include: Tests to help you determine the best treatments; how to interpret your test results; risks and benefits of CT scans, PET scans and MRIs; the safest testing methods; blood markers to watch; early detection tests you can order without a doctor; and more.
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